Frequently Asked Questions

General information

What is Stockholm+50?
Stockholm+50 is a major international environmental meeting that will be held from 2-3 June 2022 in Stockholm, Sweden, in the lead-up to World Environment Day. Anchored in the Decade of Action, this high-level meeting will contribute to accelerating a transformation that leads to sustainable and green economies, more jobs, and a healthy planet for all—where no one is left behind.

Why is it called Stockholm+50?
Why does it matter? Stockholm+50 marks the fiftieth anniversary of the 1972 UN Conference on the Human Environment in Stockholm that first made the link between environment and poverty and placed it at the forefront of the international agenda. Stockholm+50 will celebrate the original conference by advancing transformational, whole-of-society solutions to shared environmental challenges that require urgent international action.

What happened at the 1972 Stockholm conference?
Held between 5-16 June 1972 in Stockholm, the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment was the first UN conference on the environment. The meeting’s outcome document—the Stockholm Declaration—included several principles that still shape global environmental management and negotiations. Another result of the meeting was the establishment of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and World Environment Day, which is held annually on 5 June.

Why is Stockholm+50 relevant today?
By advocating the importance of multilateralism in tackling the Earth’s triple planetary crisis—climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution—the event will act as a springboard to accelerate the implementation of the UN Decade of Action to deliver the Sustainable Development Goals, the 2030 Agenda, the Paris Agreement on climate change, and the post-2020 global Biodiversity Framework—all while encouraging the adoption of green post-COVID-19 recovery plans. Stockholm+50 intends to create conditions that allow the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

What will be discussed at Stockholm+50?
The theme of the meeting is “Stockholm+50: a healthy planet for the prosperity of all – our responsibility, our opportunity”. Stockholm+50 will raise awareness about the importance of protecting our planet. It will articulate a path for us to build back after the COVID-19 pandemic while overcoming the crisis of climate change, of nature and biodiversity loss, and of pollution and waste. Three Leadership Dialogues will take place during the meeting and are expected to contribute to the outcome of Stockholm+50.

What are the Leadership Dialogues at Stockholm+50?
The Leadership Dialogues are expected to contribute to the outcome of Stockholm+50 by giving clear and concrete recommendations and messages for action at all levels—mobilizing the global community behind strengthened cooperation and accelerated innovative action. The three themes of the Leadership Dialogues are:

1) Reflecting on the urgent need for actions to achieve a healthy planet and prosperity for all

2) Achieving a sustainable and inclusive recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic

3) Accelerating the implementation of the environmental dimension of Sustainable Development in the context of the Decade of Action

What kind of preparations are underway for Stockholm+50?
Under the theme “Stockholm+50: a healthy planet for the prosperity of all—our responsibility, our opportunity”, this international meeting will follow months of consultations and discussions with individuals, communities, organizations, and governments around the world. A one-day preparatory meeting was also held at United Nations Headquarters in New York on 28 March 2022.

How will different individuals, communities, and stakeholders engage at Stockholm+50?
Stockholm+50 offers an opportunity for nations and stakeholders to collaborate, share expertise, and address complex nexus issues for urgent actions and long-term system change. National and regional stakeholder consultations will give voice to as many stakeholders as possible to ensure a bottom-up mapping of key elements and actions needed to safeguard the human environment. All relevant stakeholders, including women, youth, older persons, persons with disabilities, Indigenous Peoples and local communities are invited to contribute to this landmark international meeting and its preparation through direct participation as well as through joining informal groups to support the Leadership dialogues and participating in stakeholder consultations. More detailed information is available in the website, under the section “Participate”.


How can I find out if my organization or institution is accredited and able to register participants for Stockholm+50?
Please visit the Accreditation & Registration section of the Stockholm+50 website and browse to the section titled “Non-Governmental Organizations, Civil Society Organizations, Academic Institutions, the Scientific Community, the Private Sector and Philanthropic Organizations.” Under the heading “Detailed information” there are two broad categories: 1) NGOs with consultative status with the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) and 2) organizations that are already accredited to a series of conferences or meetings. Please review the series of hyperlinked documents listing organizations that fall under these categories.

Will financial support be available to support developing country and other stakeholder participation?
The UNEP Executive Director in her capacity as the Secretary-General of the Stockholm+50 International meeting, has called for the financial contribution in support of developing country delegates and Stakeholder participants. The availability of financial support for the participation of developing countries to the Stockholm+50 international meeting is subject to the availability of the funds as a result of this call.

What is the difference between “special accreditation” and “UNEP accreditation”?
Special accreditation is a more streamlined application process, but only applies to the Stockholm+50 international meeting and its preparatory meeting. UNEP accreditation is a more complex process, but also provides accreditation to UNEP processes, including the UN Environment Assembly.

What is the difference between accreditation and registration?
Groups and institutions must be accredited to participate in Stockholm+50. Accredited organizations can then register individuals to attend Stockholm+50 once the registration system has opened.

When can I find out if my application for accreditation has been approved?
On 17 February, the President of the General Assembly issued a list of organizations that were approved through the special accreditation process. For organizations that have applied for accreditation through the UNEP accreditation portal, please note that it can take up to three months to be approved. Please direct any inquiries to [email protected].

Who can I contact if I have questions?
Please use this form for questions related to ECOSOC-accredited NGOs. For queries related to special accreditation, please email [email protected]

Side events

What is a side event?
Stockholm+50 side events are in-person events that will take place alongside formal proceedings at Stockholmsmässan.

What is the difference between Side events and an Associated events?
Side events are in-person events that will take place at the Stockholm+50 venue and will be featured in the Stockholm+50 programme. Associated events are independently organized events that can take place anywhere around the world. Approved associated events will be featured on the official Stockholm+50 event calendar, but will not be a part of the formal Stockholm+50 programme.

Who can attend side events?
Only representatives of accredited organizations or member states that are registered for Stockholm+50 can attend side events. Unaccredited organizations are unable to host side events.

What deadlines do I need to be aware of?
Representatives of organizations that are not accredited must submit an application for special accreditation by 4 February 2022. To participate in Stockholm+50 side events, one must be accredited.

When will the list of those accepted to host side events be made available?
Those who have submitted applications will be notified by the end of April 2022.

Associated events

Do organizations hosting Associated Events need to be accredited and registered for the Stockholm+50 international event?
No. Unlike side events, accreditation is not necessary for associated event organizers.

Are Associated Events part of the formal Stockholm+50 programme?
Approved associated events will be featured on a dedicated calendar for such events on this website, but they are not a part of the formal programme.

How can I find out more about a particular Associated Event?
Please contact the event organizer about any details related to a particular Associated Event. The Stockholm+50 event team is unable to provide information about Associated Events.

Regional and National Consultations

What is the aim of the national consultations?
The objective of the national consultations is to stimulate an inclusive, whole-of-society and whole-of-government dialogue on the main themes of Stockhom+50 and the Leadership Dialogues as they relate to each country’s unique situation. With financial support from the Government of Sweden and facilitation by UNDP, 58 Stockholm+50 national consultations will occur between February and May 2022. The outcomes of these consultations will inform the Stockholm+50 international meeting through national reports and a global synthesis report and links to national policy frameworks and sector strategies.

Why are regional multi-stakeholder consultations being held?
In the lead-up to Stockholm+50, a series of regional multi-stakeholder consultations will be organized in Africa, Asia and the Pacific, Europe and North America, Latin America and the Caribbean, and West Asia. The consultations will be organized in April and May 2022 by the initiative Global Opportunities for Sustainable Development Goals (GO4SDGs) and co-designed in close cooperation with Major Groups and all relevant stakeholders to: · support engagement with as many stakeholders as possible; · ensure a bottom-up approach in mapping actions needed to safeguard our planet in the 21st century; and · review and assess how the state of our environment can be enhanced to help countries and regions attain the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Independent Consultations

What is an independent consultation for Stockholm+50?
An independent consultation is a self-organized dialogue arranged by community members, volunteers, activists, members of grassroots organizations, or individuals. It is a way to listen to as many voices as possible in the preparations for Stockholm+50. These consultations will gather independent perspectives, lived experiences, and practical examples to develop a more nuanced understanding of solutions to global environmental challenges.

Why hold an independent consultation for Stockholm+50?
Holding an independent consultation is a form of active engagement in the process leading to Stockholm+50. The objective of the independent consultations is to stimulate an inclusive, bottom-up debate on the Stockholm+50 themes. It is an opportunity to act in a leadership role and bring together diverse voices to advocate for solutions to Earth’s triple planetary crisis – climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution. As with the 1972 conference, Stockholm+50 is an intergenerational responsibility and organizing an independent consultation means playing a role in protecting the planet and prosperity of future generations.

Who can organize an independent consultation?
An independent consultation can be organized by any member of society, including but not limited to volunteers, activists, students, or members of grassroots organizations. There is no restriction on who can organize a consultation. Organizers should be passionate about contributing to identifying solutions to global environmental challenges and be committed to gathering independent perspectives from their consultation in an organized manner. Organizers are encouraged to prepare a summary report from their consultation and submit it to the Stockholm+50 organizers.

Why participate in an independent consultation for Stockholm+50?
Taking part in independent consultation is an opportunity to be part of the solution by engaging with others and by sharing experiences and solutions to global environmental challenges. Key messages from independent consultations will guide decision makers, help bridge the gap between policy and implementation, and inform the recommendations coming out Stockholm+50.

How does one organize an independent consultation?
Independent consultations should be organized to bring together diverse individuals and communities that are passionate about solving complex global issues. Setting a clear agenda of what will be discussed during the consultation will help participants give meaningful input; each of the three leadership dialogue themes can provide a good frame for this agenda. Finally, thoroughly documenting key messages and solutions from the consultation in the form of a report is the final step in delivering this important contribution to Stockholm+50. Please refer to the guidebook for more details.

How will the contributions of the independent dialogues be considered?
A synthesis report of the independent consultations will be prepared mid-May 2022. Recommendations from the independent consultations will be delivered to the Stockholm+50 organizers.


What will the outcome of Stockholm+50 be?
An action-oriented outcome is envisioned, charting the way forward by highlighting key actions that governments and other stakeholders can take to deliver on the 2030 Agenda and beyond. An outcome that mobilizes the global community behind strengthened cooperation and accelerated innovative action on the Global Goals. The Leadership Dialogues are expected to contribute to the outcome by yielding clear and concrete recommendations and messages for action at all levels.

Environmental impacts

How is Stockholm+50 addressing its environmental impacts?
Like all large events, Stockholm+50 will have an impact on the environment. The measures taken to control and reduce such impacts are being analysed using the UNEP UNFCCC Sustainable Events Checklist. The aspects considered in the checklist are organizational management, climate action, air quality, waste management, energy management, water management, supply chain management and marketing and communication.

Concrete actions taken include: choosing a sustainable events’ venue that is ISO 20121 certified and uses climate neutral energy sources; accommodating event participants in hotels that have environmental policies; using renewable fuels or electricity for local transportation, renting furniture and décor, ensuring that the event is paperless. Restaurants at the venue are Krav labelled. Furthermore, the restaurants plan their menus to reduce food waste, eliminate single use products, carefully sort their waste, and strive to chose as much organically produced food as possible. The menus consist of vegetarian options, fish or chicken, no beef is served. The meals offered during Stockholm +50 is especially climate adjusted and their carbon footprint have been calculated by the company Klimato.

The largest impact of Stokholm+50 with regard to GHG emissions, will undoubtedly be transportation to and from the event. Greenhouse gas emissions from air travel are being calculated by UNEP using the same methodology used for other UN events.  UN delegates and UN sponsored participant’s travel will be offset as per usual practice in the UN system. Clearly the full impact of the event will need to be assessed once the event is concluded. A report on the greening efforts of Stokholm+50 will be available on after the event.