Where: Virtual
Hosted by The Swedish Embassy in Tokyo, along with Japanese members of S50YTF, this Youth Conference provides an opportunity for young people to participate in an international conference connected to Stockholm+50. We hear from the attendees of the 1972 Stockholm Conference and review the development since then. The ultimate goal of this youth conference is to come up with your own action plan! Let’s tackle the triple global crises with notable scientist such as Johan Rockström. Registration and live streaming.
When: 28 April 2022
Where: Virtual | Webinar
Description: Ahead of Stockholm+50, The Council on Energy, Environment and Water (CEEW), together with The Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI), are gathering experts and key stakeholders to explore the role of youth in driving both climate action, and the 2030 Agenda. The webinar will commemorate the launch of the report: 'Charting a Youth Vision for a Just and Sustainable Future'. Register here.
Where: Virtual
The International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), ITUC Just Transition Centre, The Swedish Trade Union Confederation (ILO), SOLIDAR, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, and the Foundation for European Progressive Studies are hosting this webinar to explore how Stockholm+50 can accelerate a Just Transition, in which climate action goals are achieved and communities are empowered with green and decent jobs.
Where: Virtual
The Youth Empowerment in Climate Action Platform (YECAP), developed by YECAP Fellows in collaboration with EarthDay.org, will enable youth climate leaders from the Asia-Pacific region to connect, and explore how young people can be involved in global, regional and local climate initiatives and negotiations. Register to join.
Where: Virtual | Webinar
What kind of consumption is compatible with climate commitments? Hosted by the Mistra Sustainable Consumption at the KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, this webinar will present several studies that focused on consumption patterns in different countries that are compatible with climate targets. Differences and similarities between the studies and their results will be presented. Possible policy implications will be discussed in a panel. The unanimous suggestions from the Swedish all-parties committee on environmental quality objectives will also be presented. Register to join.
When: 18 - 19 May 2022
Where: Virtual
Stakeholder Forum and ForUM Norway are hosting this global 2-day online consultation to gather stakeholder input relevant to the official themes of the Stockholm+50 meeting, to the wider environmental agenda, and the fulfillment of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development to achieve a sustainable future for all. Register to join.
When: 18 - 25 May 2022
Where: Monrovia, Liberia | In-person and virtual
The Stockholm International Water Institute is hosting a webinar series highlighting the role of water to ensure a healthy planet and prosperity for all. Each webinar will focus on a specific aspect of water and its role in achieving security, resilient landscapes, and global health. Register to join.
Where: Paris, France
The French NGO Comité 21, created following the Rio Conference in 1992 with the aim of disseminating the Agenda 21 to all stakeholders, is organizing this international seminar to illustrate the progress made over the past 30 years, and the road ahead in the next 30 years. Register to join.
When: 18 May - 31 December 2022
Where: Sweden and the UK | In-Person
Museums for Climate Action aims to raise awareness of the aims of Stockholm+50, and of the outcomes adopted at Stockholm+50 to keep up momentum. It aims to use the platform of museums to help people understand their environmental rights to information, decision-making and justice, and to contribute their views on their local environment.
When: 16 - 20 May 2022
Where: Stockholm, Sweden | Virtual
This three-day event, hosted by the Department of Economic History and International Relations, will addresses Nordic nations’ engagement with the ecological crisis. A key theme in this conference will be the role played by “mobilizations” which refers to systems to organize intellectual, ideological, political, and economic power.
Where: Belgrade, Serbia | In-person
The Embassy of Sweden in Serbia and UNDP Serbia are hosting this event in the Botanical Garden of Belgrade. It will include a presentation by UNDP Serbia on the key findings and recommendations following the national consultations within Stockholm+50. It will then be followed by a planting ceremony of honey plants. Register to join.
Where: London, UK | Virtual
This event co-hosted by IIED and Sida will launch a new report for Stockholm+50 that explores the role of locally led action for people, nature and climate and proposes recommendations for governments, multilateral development banks and global funds to drive change through support for local level decision-making over resources and finance. Register to join.
Where: Virtual
Leading experts will explore the relevance of animal welfare for environmental protection and public health, and explore promising policy interventions for integrating animal welfare into sustainable development governance. Join us online for this interactive discussion. This event is hosted by the Stockholm Environment Institute and NYU Animal Studies. Register to join.
Where: Virtual
How can we improve youth participation in high-level processes? Join Latinas For Climate and Motum for a discussion with activists from all over Latin America on governance and how to improve youth participation in high-level processes as they make their way to Stockholm+50. Register to join.
When: 26 May & 1 June 2022
Where: Virtual
This two-part webinar series, focuses on findings from the new landmark report, Climate–Poverty Connections, published by Project Drawdown. The series provides decision-makers with concrete evidence of how climate solutions can also contribute to meeting human well-being needs and alleviating poverty in rural communities in Africa and South Asia.
Where: Hayama, Japan | Virtual
The Institute for Global Environmental Strategies invites participants to look both backward and forward to consider how policymakers can implement integrated solutions to climate, biodiversity and other planetary challenges, and achieve a truly sustainable society. Register to join.
Where: Stockholm, Sweden | Virtual
In this event hosted by Intercult Productions and Europa Direkt Stockholm, three international experts will discuss the effects of climate change on urban waterfronts and the concrete actions that should be taken from the researchers and citizens.
Where: Virtual
This event is organized by the School for the Study of Intuition, an Argentine NGO with Consultative Status ECOSOC 2020. The School teaches a method to prevent the states of vulnerability that are the object of the seventeen Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 agenda. Register to join.
When: 28 - 30 May 2022
Where: Bangkok, Thailand | Virtual
OHCHR, UNEP, UNICEF, and UNDP are hosting the Asia Regional Dialogue on Climate Justice for Children, Youth and Future Generations to present to adults their perspectives, ideas and concerns about the environment. Participants will share good practices and experience in negotiations and decision-making processes at regional and global levels. Register to join.
Where: Dhaka, Bangladesh | Virtual
The vision of this discussion, hosted by the Leadership Development Association International, QS World Merit & World Merit, is to generate interest in sustainable development, and engage students with the sustainable development goals, encourage them to prioritize the goals in their personal and professional lives. Register to join.
Where: Oslo, Norway | Virtual
NOAH is hosting this virtual event to highlight the importance of a sustainable food system for the environment, wildlife, animal welfare and human health. The webinar is about transforming food systems to prevent detrimental effects on nature, climate change, wildlife, animal welfare and human health.
Where: Virtual
Join speakers from FAO, IUFRO, UNEP, and representatives from the sector to discuss the interfaces between protection, restoration, and the sustainable use of forests. The event will look into scaling up best practices by involving local communities and investment to simultaneously conserve nature, provide for human well-being, and contribute to inclusive recovery. Register to join.
Where: Stockholm, Sweden | In-person and virtual
The Stockholm Environmental Law and Policy Centre, Lund University, the Environmental Law Institute, and the Environmental Peacebuilding Association, have collaborated to address the protection of the environment in relation to armed conflicts under international law, and the integration of the environment and security in the law. Register to join.
Where: Sweden | Virtual
The purpose of this webinar, hosted by IM Swedish Development Partner, is to raise awareness on the need for an intersectional approach in understanding the impacts of the climate crisis on gender with key experts focusing on the case of the Maldives. The webinar features Maldivian Environmental Defender Humay Abdulghafoor and IM's Climate Change Officer Lubna Hawwa.
Where: Virtual
In this webinar, hosted by Save the Children, Plan International Sweden, International Rescue Committee, and The Hunger Project, the drivers of food insecurity, its impact on children, as well as some solutions to today’s crisis, and the importance to act now to avoid future crisis will be explored. Register to join.
When: 30 May - 1 June 2022
Where: Virtual
The French Agricultural Research Centre for International Development and partners will present knowledge-based messages on just and sustainable pathways transitions in the land sector. Register to join.
Where: Stockholm, Sweden and Nairobi, Kenya | In-person and virtual
This event aims to explore the evidence base for agroecology providing an integrating function in strengthening implementation of the three Rio Conventions through food system transformation, and grassroots experiences of this contributing, at small and large-scale agricultural operations, to achieving prosperity for all while maintaining a healthy planet. Register to join.
When: 30 May - 1 June 2022
Where: Stockholm, Sweden | In-Person
The Folkets (Peoples) Forum is seeking radical societal change for global justice, the environment, climate, health and peace. Popular movements and social movements have historically driven all major societal changes.
Where: Stockholm, Sweden | In-person and virtual
In partnership with the Stockholm Resilience Centre and the Stockholm Environment Institute, PASTRES (Pastoralism, Uncertainty, and Resilience) has curated this photo exhibition on pastoralism and sustainability. The exhibit, which features images from six countries, showcases the manner in which pastoralists offer vital lessons for sustainability and development.
Where: Virtual
Sustainable Development Solutions Networks in Northern Europe and Kenya will be discussing how to create action for the environmental dimension of sustainable development. The purpose is to highlight and discuss how to support UNEP, national and regional stakeholders to mitigate the triple planetary crisis. Register to join.
When: 31 May - 1 June 2022
Where: Stockholm, Sweden | In-person and virtual
UNA Sweden will host a two-day conference on 31 May and 1 June on how to solve some of the greatest challenges of our time via civil society partnerships for environmental action, new thoughts for sustainable economics, and local action for climate and circularity. Register to join.
When: 31 May - 4 June 2022
Where: Stockholm, Sweden | In-person
The work of the UN Science-Policy-Business Forum, towards Stockholm+50, focuses on the transformative actions required to put the world on track to meet environmental goals. Over 70 top industries and private-sector market-leaders will contribute to this year's event, working closely with leaders from Government, the science sector and civil society. Register to join.
Where: Virtual
Hosted by the International Fragrance, this webinar will highlight the global fragrance value chain with its sustainability challenges and opportunities for solutions. Together with members, partners, and companies like Natura&Co and LVMH, this event will also showcase how these initiatives contribute to the global sustainable development goals. Register to join.
Where: Stockholm, Sweden | Virtual
In this webinar, hosted by Normative, experts will explain why a standardized framework is key for businesses to measure net-zero success, why the financial sector is particularly impacted, what optimal net-zero success looks like, and what businesses should do now to prepare. Register to join.
Where: Stockholm, Sweden
The Center for Global Development, the Zambian and (tentatively) Kenyan delegations to Stockholm+50, and Sida will host a panel discussion on mobilizing private capital for climate and development. This event aims to shed light on the potential of mobilization of private capital for climate adaption, conservation, and biodiversity. Register to join.
Where: Stockholm, Sweden | In-person
This event, hosted by the Stockholm Environment Institute and the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management, will provide a space to informally discuss the implications that the current geopolitical landscape implies for a sustainable blue economy and how cooperation can contribute to overcome an increased securitized marine environment. Register to join.
Where: Stockholm, Sweden | In-Person
Join a sharing and listening circle in the presence of Indigenous elders from Sapmi, Ecuador, Mexico and North America, to learn about legal and ancestral ways to realign our relationship with nature from harm to harmony. Register to join.
Where: Virtual
Hosted by the Global Climate and Health Alliance and the Noncommunicable Disease Alliance, this event will bring together experts from across the health and environmental communities to discuss how the just phase out of fossil fuels is one of the most promising interventions to protect human and planetary health. Register to join.
When: 31 May & 1 June 2022
Where: Stockholm, Sweden | In-person and virtual
This two-day Symposium, hosted by the Asian Development Bank, the Global Judicial Institute on the Environment, and the International Association of Judges, brings together Supreme Court Justices and senior judges from around the world to reflect on the impact of the 1972 Stockholm Declaration and the importance of strengthening judicial independence. Register to join.
Where: Stockholm, Sweden | In-person
This session, hosted by the Geneva Peacebuilding Platform and other organizations, aims to deepen a conversation between environmental practitioners and policymakers and the peace and security community about the interdependence of peacebuilding and conflict transformation with the environment and sustainable development. Register to join.
Where: Stockholm, Sweden | In-person and virtual
Join End Ecocide Sweden, Stop Ecocide International and We Don't Have Time to hear from leading voices in key sectors in the leadup to framing the legal basis for ecocide - the act of mass destruction of the environment. Register to join.
Where: Stockholm, Sweden | In-person
Framtidsjorden will arrange a youth seminar “The Youth Movements’ Toolbox to Transform our Future” during the Peoples Forum. The seminar will focus upon the intergenerational responsibility, and the inclusion of youths in the context of political and global discussions regarding climate change.
When: 31 May - 2 June 2022
Where: Kalmar and Stockholm, Sweden | In-person and virtual
The Global Forum for Media Development; Fojo Media Institute, Linnaeus University; Global Investigative Journalism Network; World Association of News Publishers; Wits Centre for Journalism; and Internews Earth Journalism Network are collaborating to launch the Sustainable Journalism Partnership, a global forum. Register to join.
Where: Stockholm, Sweden | In-person and virtual
WWF, IKEA and the H&M Group are inviting company representatives to a peer-to-peer business roundtable discussion to share solutions and challenges on biodiversity action, and how these connect to other sustainability efforts on climate, forests, freshwater and social issues. Register to join.
When: 31 May - 5 June 2022
Where: Stockholm, Sweden | In-person and virtual
We Don't Have Time, together with UNDP, Exponential Roadmap Initiative and other partners, is hosting The Climate Hub. This event seeks to empower participants to accelerate the SDGs during the UN Decade of Action, through increased engagement with other members of the global environmental community. Register to join.
Where: Stockholm, Sweden | In-person
The Stop Ecocide Foundation, Stop Ecocide International, Planète Amazone, Blue Green Future, and Rebalance Earth are hosting this in-depth conversation around legal and financial solutions to protect the Earth’s keystone species, vital ecosystems and climate, and the local and indigenous guardianship of these. Register to join.
Where: Stockholm, Sweden | In-person
Discover climate science in a fun and engaging way with this Climate Fresk workshop. Thanks to a novel approach bridging science and civil society, this interactive event will enable participants to learn more about the findings of the latest IPCC reports. Register to join.
When: 31 May - 1 June 2022
Where: Helsingborg, Sweden | In-person & Virtual
Join the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe and the City of Helsingborg for a discussion on how cities currently engage with national governments and other key stakeholders in their efforts to accelerate the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. Register to join.
When: 31 May - 1 June 2022
Where: Stockholm, Sweden | In-person and virtual
Delivering Change: Sustainable Consumption and Production for a Better Future on a Healthy Planet is the flagship event of the One Planet Network. Join us to kick-start a new phase of SCP actions, with thought leaders from around the world. Register to join.
Where: Stockholm, Sweden | In-person and virtual
Organized by the newly launched network Youth For Ecocide Law, this youth-led panel discussion will open a space for global youth advocates to share their key demands to achieve a healthy planet and a thriving future, reflecting on the crucial role of advancing ecocide law at Stockholm+50. Register to join.
Where: Abuja, Nigeria | Virtual
As Africa grapples with challenges affecting the planet, health and development, the 1972 Stockholm Conference remains a watershed. At this event, hosted by the Afrihealth Optonet Association, the civil society shall review its output, implementation, outcomes and sustainability, in order to build solidarity of understanding and buy-in to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. Register to join.
Where: Stockholm, Sweden | In-person
Framtidsjorden is hosting a seminar about how agriculture and agroforestry can become a key factor in building a sustainable society that lives within the planetary boundaries, with guest speakers from Uruguay, Colombia, India and Sweden. What similarities and differences are there regarding political will and approach, local conditions and openings for opportunity?
Where: Stockholm, Sweden | In-person
The Stockholm +50 Coalition tackles the intertwined crises of defunct development models, environment, climate, peace, health and global injustice, focusing on solutions on climate and environment crises and on the importance of solidarity with the Global South.
Where: Stockholm, Sweden | In-person
Leading up to Stockholm+50, Doconomy with the support of the partner UNFCCC are launching Arrivals Day, which aims to approach the interconnectivity of some of the most important questions related to the future of the planet. A future that needs to realign to more transparency and interconnectivity at the core of all efforts to mitigate the climate crisis. Register to join.
Where: Stockholm, Sweden | In-person
The Swedish church is hosting hikes at the nature reserve of Nacka, at the hiking trail Globalgo which is based on the Global Goals of the UN. The hikes will finish with a boat trip in to Storkyrkan, Gamla stan (Stockholm Cathedral in Old Town) for the memorial service of extinct species. Register to join.
Where: Stockholm, Sweden | In-person
Hosted by Parents for Future Global, explore local, national and global campaigns and strategies to engage parents in climate activism and the fight for an equitable future for all children.
Where: Stockholm, Sweden | In-person and virtual
Hosted by the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, the Central European University and The Integrated Assessment Society, this event will involve a detailed account of how the most cross-cutting assessment of the global environment was done from the start. Register to join.
Where: Stockholm, Sweden | In-person and virtual
The University for Peace, the Normandy Chair for Peace, and the International Council of Environmental Law will convene experts to assess proposals for reforms in International law that address the environmental crises presented in there UN Report "Making Peace with Nature." Register to join.
Where: Bangkok, Thailand | Virtual
This event from the Chulalongkorn University Right Livelihood Summerschool, is devoted to Stockholm+50 and World Environment Day. The aim is to engage students, scholars and practitioners in a discussion on "Food as a Commons and the We The Peoples" campaign for global citizenship.
Where: Stockholm, Sweden | In-Person and Virtual
Leading experts on innovations in global environmental governance will aim to explore ethical foundations and practical proposals for our governing systems to ensure prospertity - for both humanity and the natural world. Register to join.
Where: Stockholm, Sweden | In-person
During our lifetime and as a result of our life choices, we have already eradicated 130,000 species. The Swedish Church is inviting you to an ecumenical memorial service for all the species we have lost. We will also find together the hope and the power of action for all the species we can still save.
Where: Virtual | Webinar
Join the dialogue hosted by the Global Dairy Platform and Arla Foods, and learn how the dairy sector is stepping up to help achieve the Paris Agreement. The dialogue will be a call to action for dairy sector colleagues to join the movement and commit to genuine and demonstrable action to reduce global GHG emissions from the dairy value chain. Register to join.
Where: Stockholm, Sweden and virtual
SEI, the University Alliance Stockholm Trio – Karolinska Institutet, KTH Royal Institute of Technology and Stockholm University, will organize a one-day hybrid conference in conjunction with the Stockholm+50 UN meeting to showcase how science can and must contribute to solutions needed in the next decades to reach global targets. The conference will build on successful examples and action-oriented dialogues and engagements between academia and a wide range of societal actors linked to policy- and decision-making.
When: 1 June & 3 June 2022
Where: Stockholm, Sweden
Climate Researchers from the network Researchers Desk will be present to have climate conversations and explain the science behind the reports to members of the public. Pariticpants will be able to talk directly with the climate researchers and seek ways to minimize the damages with Climate- and Ecological Crisis.
Where: Stockholm, Sweden | In-person
Why is militarism one of the key obstacles to achieving a healthy planet and prosperity for all? This thought-provoking event, moderated by feminist environmentalist Joni Saeger, seeks to address this question through personal stories by feminist activists from Cameroon, Colombia, Sweden, and Zimbabwe.
Where: Stockholm, Sweden | In-person and virtual
Co-hosted by Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty initiative, Stanley Center for Peace and Security, and the Nordic Council, this event will involve representatives of Indigenous nations, governments, international institutions, civil society, academic experts, faith organizations and others to address fossil fuel supply at an international level. Register to join.
Where: Stockholm, Sweden | In-person
This event, hosted by the Swedish Energy Agency, aims to demonstrate collective action and share experiences on how the scaling of carbon finance can increase climate ambition and accelerate the implementation of Agenda 2030. Register to join.
Where: Stockholm, Sweden
The Paris Agreement marks a milestone in the development of international cooperation on mitigating climate change. The event, hosted by the Swedish Energy Agency, aims to shed light on the opportunities of market-based climate cooperation, both for increased climate ambition and to accelerate implementation of sustainable development goals. Register to join.
Where: Stockholm, Sweden | In-person and virtual
Healthy Mind, Healthy Planet - Strengthening values and authenticity in sustainable development, is a hybrid event hosted by Brahma Kumaris. How important are ethics, values and authenticity in strengthening and healing the relationships between humanity and nature? The panelists will examine which shift in mindset is needed so that the well-being of humans and nature can become the new imperative of our global action. Register to join.
Where: Stockholm, Sweden | In-person and virtual
This panel discussion offers a historical journey along the science-to-policy interface of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. A panel of experienced IPCC authors alongside representatives from government, civil society and media will reflect on past experiences to explore future prospects for scientific assessments that can stimulate climate policies. Register to join.
Where: Stockholm, Sweden | In-person
In this event, hosted by The Hunger Project, inspiring leaders of different sectors will be brought together to examine the existing food systems and reimagine them. A cross-sectoral panel will discuss potential solutions within their fields, as well as actions needed to create a sustainable, socially just food system. Register to join.
Where: Stockholm, Sweden | In-person and virtual
This event is co-organised between the Swedish International Agricultural Network Initiative and the Agriculture for Food Security 2030 programme and will be hosted by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, and will explore themes related to agriculture, forests, and the people who live and make their livelihoods of these. Register to join.
When: 1-2 June 2022
Where: Stockholm, Sweden
This Forum will provide a unique opportunity to place cities squarely at the centre of the emerging debate on consumption-based emissions;strengthen collaboration among mayors and global business leaders, sending a clear market signal that cities are ready to change the way we consume; build on the outcomes of COP26 and increase pressure on national governments to move from pledges to actions, specifically on greening global supply chains; and get updated on the latest science and knowledge. Find out more here.
Where: Stockholm, Sweden | In-person and virtual
The main objective of this event, hosted by SIDA and the Forest and Farm Facility, is to increase the visibility of forest and farm producer organisations (FFPOs) in delivering ‘full spectrum climate action’. Join the discussion on getting financing to FFPOs to tackle the interconnected crises of climate and nature. Register to join.
Where: Stockholm, Sweden | In-person
50 years ago, Swedish leader Olof Palme argued for an international law against ecocide. This cross sector, high-level panel event, hosted by Stop Ecocide Foundation; End Ecocide Sweden; Stop Ecocide International; Olof Palme International Center; Health of Mother Earth Foundation; and Planetary Emergency Partnership, honours his legacy.
When: 1 June, 3 June, 5 August, 2 September; 2022
Where: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil | Virtual
OPA Debates are an online discussion cycle about the environmental issues organized by the Observatory of Environmental Practices IFRJ. It aims to celebrate the anniversary of the Stockholm Conference in preparation for Rio+30. The event will discuss the relevant achievements of Stockholm, inviting specialists from different focal groups to debate.
Where: Montreal, Canada
This event will highlight the key role of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and the potential it has to catalyse immediate and meaningful action in the development and deployment of more sustainable of aviation fuels. Register to join.
Where: Stockholm, Sweden | In-person
Under the theme “Global Agreements for a Healthy Planet: Sound management of chemicals and waste” the High-level Segment will address how the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions contribute to tackle the triple planetary environmental crisis. Register to join.
Where: Virtual
Through this event, the World Organization of the Scout Movement will explore how investing in non-formal education is crucial in preparing young people with practice skills, capacities, and experiences for the future. Six youth organisations, which comprises the five largest youth movements in the world, will also join this event. Register to join.
Where: Stockholm, Sweden | In-person and virtual
The Swedish International Agriculture Network Initiative and other partners will host a lively discussion on the scaling up of action for a global concerted One Health response to the antiobiotic antimicrobial resistance. Register to join.
Where: Stockholm, Sweden | In-person and virtual
Co-organized by the World Wide Fund for Nature and the One Planet Network, this event features a range of actors and decision-makers with inspiring experiences transforming food systems with a holistic lens. Conversations will center on the role food systems play in driving environmental, social and economic impacts. Register to join.
Where: Stockholm, Sweden | In-person
ARTPORT_making waves will bring their project WE ARE OCEAN Sápmi to the Royal Institute of Art as part of the Stockholm+50 Conference to engage the student community in environmental action and and empower a view onto traditional knowledge.
When: 1 - 30 June 2022
Where: Stockholm, Sweden | In-person
Björn Lövin expanded traditional art genres and was one of the first Swedish artists in the late 1960s to make spatial installations, called environments at the time. None of Björn Lövin’s original environments were preserved after being presented in their respective exhibitions in the 1970s and 1980s. Moderna Museet is now hosting the exhibition Björn Lövin-The Surrounding Reality.
When: 1 - 19 June 2022
Where: Stockholm, Sweden | In-person
This event, hosted by the Institute for Futures Studies, Rikstolvan och Liljevalchs, Formas, Global Challenges Foundation and the City of Stockholm, will feature the multi-art work by the artist duo Bigert & Bergström, and a seminar series with international experts, climate researchers and artists.
Where: Stockholm, Sweden | In-person and virtual
In conjunction with the Stockholm+50 Conference, the Raoul Wallenberg Institute, China Dialogue Trust, and the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights will explore the role of grassroot activism for the right to a healthy environment. The event aims to provide a space for mutual learning and reflection. Register to join.
Where: Stockholm, Sweden | In-person
This Panel discussion, arranged by the civil society coalition Stop EU-Mercosur Sweden, will focus on the issues with current free trade agreements. The goal is to provide the audience with new perspectives on free trade and treat its issues more holistically, rather than focused on isolated agreements.
Where: Stockholm, Sweden | In-person and virtual
The event, organized by the global coalition of Women and Feminist organisations, bring key recommendations from global eco-feminist movement. Despite 50 years of global environmental governance and 7 years of SDG implementation, governments continue to struggle with the human rights and gender equality dimensions of environmental policies. Register to join.
When: 1 - 30 June 2022
Where: China | Virtual
“National Campaign on Ending Plastic Pollution” is a nationwide non-profit event, hosted by the All-China Environment Federation, that aims to mobilize all stakeholders of China's plastic value chain, especially the public to pay higher attention to plastic pollution and collect innovative solutions. Register to join.
Where: Stockholm, Sweden | In-person
Hosted by Stop Ecocidio (Stop Ecocide International in Spain and Americas), and co-sponsored by OPIC, Planet Amazon and Lacemos, this event will encompass bringing different perspectives around ecocide and how to prevent it and protect Mother Earth (indigenous, youth, women, environment defenders) in the Latin American region. Register to join.
Where: Stockholm, Sweden
Indigenous peoples and local communities play a crucial role in safeguarding the world's forests and biodiversity. This event will explore how support for indigenous and community land rights and agency can accelerate global progress towards a more just, resilient, and sustainable future. Welcome to Sida 1st of June to dive into these topics! Register to join.
Where: Stockholm, Sweden | In-person
The Swedish Inter-Faith Council is hosting an Inter-faith prayer for the success of the Stockholm+50 conference proceedings. Member organisations of the Swedish Inter-Faith council will share prayers in an united, hopeful, atmosphere from their faith traditions for the success in humanity's efforts to achieve a healthy and prosperous planet.
Where: Stockholm, Sweden | In-person
The impacts of climate change threaten human security in many ways. This dialogue, hosted by Swedish Member of Parliament Elisabeth Björnsdotter Rahm, and the G100 Security and Defence Wing, will engage parliamentarians, experts and young professionals to explore the connections between climate, peace and human security. Register to join.
Where: Stockholm, Sweden
March with Mother Earth Project's Parachutes For The Planet around Stockholm! 16 Parachutes will be carried with the message, PEOPLE OVER PROFIT. Please Join us as we raise awareness about the need for governments to focus on the needs of people and not the profits of large corporations and the rich.
Where: Stockholm, Sweden | Virtual
Handelsbanken Liv is hosting this panel discussion to explore the role of the financial institutions in accelerating the shift to a more sustainable society. The objective of this event is to highlight the current state, and what banks and insurance companies doing to accelerate the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals.
Where: Virtual
The event will present the International Young Leaders Council, who will highlight the progress towards the establishment of the UN Youth Office and the UN Youth Council. Register to join.
Where: Virtual | Webinar
Join the United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative to discuss the key actions by private financiers in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals and countering the triple planetary crisis. We will assess the target set by financial institutions to implement their commitments under the UN-convened industry Principles and Alliances. Register to join.
Where: Stockholm, Sweden | Virtual
Compiled by the Club of Rome, SYSTEMIQ, and the Open Society European Policy Institute, the launch of "International System Change Compass: The Global Implications of Achieving the European Green Deal" focuses on systemic changes required to achieve a successful global environmental transition. Register to join.
Where: Stockholm, Sweden | In-person
The Ocean Race and the Antarctic & Southern Ocean Coalition is hosting this event to drive policy for a healthier ocean. The Summit Series should be seen as a whole, where each of the Summits contributes to an overall goal towards the recognition of the inherent rights of the ocean. Register to join.
Where: Stockholm, Sweden | In-person and virtual
Through this event, the OPN Sustainable Food Systems Programme and the World Wide Fund for Nature will continue building momentum by advocating for the integration of sustainable food systems into key multilateral processes on climate, biodiversity and pollution. Register to join.
Where: Stockholm, Sweden | In-person and virtual
This event, organised by the Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics at the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Stockholm Resilience Centre at Stockholm University and the Nobel Foundation, will present a report focused on the role of the financial system in building both human and planetary resilience in the Anthropocene. Register to join.
Where: Mexico City, Mexico | Virtual
Youth-Building-The-Future-Global is hosting Climate Sessions - a project of live talks with young people from all the world to visualize the climate latitudes and differences. They will collectively act and share experiences and knowledge regarding youth action around the world for the climate. Register to join.
Where: Dehradun, India
This event will address developments for the SDGs and sustainability of our planet. Building an inclusive, effective path for the sustainable future with SDGs require quality education. Learning, engagement with games, hands-on activities is very important, and our work shows that students and youth understand and take action for climate change, SDGs. Register to join.
Where: Stockholm, Sweden | In-person and virtual
Join UNU Centre for Policy Research and UNEP for a conversation with an exciting panel of authors that offer critical and challenge perspectives on the human environment relationship and the required policy changes to meet the interconnected crises today and on the horizon. Register to join.
Where: Monrovia, Liberia | Virtual
This engaging and educative dialogue and educative project, hosted by Green Environmental Actions, is designed to give kids a better understanding about environmental issues and to also get their part of solutions to the global fight in curbing the catastrophic impact of climate change and other problems that humanity is faced with as the results of our actions in the past.
Where: Virtual
Through this event, the Global Citizens’ Assembly aims to share how the human family was brought together to learn and deliberate on the climate and ecological crisis. The event will bring the lived experience of citizens all over the world and introduce the Citizens’ proposals developed during the deliberative process in the run up to COP 26 in Glasgow. Register to join.
Where: Stockholm, Sweden | In-person and virtual
The purpose of this event, hosted by the IM Swedish Development Partner, is to provide an opportunity learn and interact with youth environmental activists from conflict-affected areas, and to summarize key themes emerging from the discussion to use in policy advocacy.
Where: Stockholm, Sweden | In-person and virtual
How does climate change affect our health and how can we relieve those consequences? IFMSA-Sweden and the Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Health will discuss this question by visualizing the existing health and climate related crisis and holding a panel discussion with youth, researchers and policymakers from Sweden and Uganda.
Where: Stockholm, Sweden | Virtual
Green Hope Foundation's event will bring together an multidisciplinary, intergenerational and interfaith panel of speakers to discuss how we can build forward better and more equal from the COVID-19 pandemic through community stewardship driven by nature-based solutions, and roadmap of actions needed to facilitate the same. Register to join.
When: 2-5 June 2022
Where: Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh and Kurnool, India
The Mahanandi (Great Bull) declaration, a scientific methodology paper, celebrates how the Great Bull connects to the Earth and the Earth really connects to the human well being. Register to join.
When: 2 - 3 June 2022
Where: Stockholm, Sweden | In-person
Interconnected Food Feature Chamber is hosting the Stockholm+50 musical, which is dedicated to musicalize the multidimensional features of safeguarding people, resources and the planet in achieving a sustainable development.
Where: Virtual | Webinar
This event, hosted by the Sustainable Development Solutions Network and the OECD Development Assistance Committee, will have hight-level speakers from international institutions, national governments and civil society to discuss major priorities for the international financing system to accelerate progress of the Sustainable Development Goals. Register to join.
Where: Stockholm, Sweden
Hosted by Framtidens röster (Future Voices) in partnership with upper secondary school Anna Whitlocks gymnasium, this dinner will engage students, UN delegates, politicians and decision-makers to drive change towards a more sustainable society. Please sign up by emailing [email protected], and we will provide additional information.
Where: Virtual | Online series
The "Perfect Balance" series is a virtual gallery by Günsu Saraçoğlu that explains the chaos created by the human desire to dominate every field from past to present. Our roots are in nature, as the natural structure of nature is destroyed, this series tries to draw attention to the natural texture and harmony in nature by creating textures. You will be able to visit the series online.
Where: Stockholm, Sweden | In-person & Virtual
Join the Future Leaders Network and the Youth Negotiators Academy for an intergenerational dialogue on how to empower young people to participate in the most important environmental negotiations around the world. Register to join.
Where: Virtual | Website
The event is a website that documents 50 years of successful work on environmental issues done by the Economic Commission for Europe. Our environmental activities are all geared to accelerating the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs, to build back better from COVID-19, and to address the triple planetary crisis. Visit the website.
Where: Virtual
During this event, hosted by the Women's Earth and Climate Action Network, grassroots women leaders and global advocates will discuss environmental degradation and the climate crisis, and present a diverse array of strategies and solutions to secure strong communities and a just planet for current and future generations. Register to join.
Where: Rabat, Morocco | Virtual
In this event, the Mohammed VI Foundation for Environmental Protection aims to create a dialogue space for an integrated action leveraging the potential of education for sustainable development in education to build an inclusive and effective path for the achievement of the 2030 Agenda in Africa. The purpose is to share information, provide concrete examples of good practices and lessons learned and thus answering to the objectives of Stockholm+50.
Where: Stockholm, Sweden
This event, hosted by the World Bank, will highlight how the portfolio of country, region, and knowledge activities implemented by PROBLUE and PROGREEN are helping countries to adopt innovative approaches, polices and financing to sustainably manage their seascapes and landscapes for better outcomes for people, the planet, and economies.
Where: Ketura, Israel | Virtual
Hosted by the Arava Institute for Environmental Studies, this event will involve a panel of academics and practitioners who will discuss how on-the-ground solutions are proof of concept for climate diplomacy and can give policy makers actionable insights. It aims to promote climate justice and climate adaptation, particularly in the face of conflict.
Where: Berlin and Bonn, Germany | Virtual
The Development and Climate Alliance Foundation, with support from the UNFCCC Secretariat, is hosting a webinar to highlight how private sector actors can play a central role in overcoming our shared climate crisis. Discussion will explore how companies wield ambitious climate-protection concepts and sustainability-standards to achieve climate goals. Register to join.
Where: Stockholm, Sweden
The Global Strategic Institute for Sustainable Development will provide a platform to all stakeholders to share their experiences and insights on Sustainable Development and Global Dignity, as they are connected with the social fabric of global society and are an integral part of global trust building. Register to join.
Where: Virtual
Consumers International, together with UNCTAD and the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, are hosting a discussion on the global actions needed to drive a green, digital, and consumer-powered recovery. The event will present a ground-breaking set of policy recommendations to empower the sustainable online consumer through information. Register to join.
Where: Stockholm, Sweden | In-person and virtual
UNCDF and SIDA are bringing together representatives from international organizations, governments, and the private sector to share perspectives on how guarantees can be used effectively to enable sustainable development pathways for LDCs, with a focus on unlocking financing for SMEs and infrastructure projects. Register to join.
Where: Virtual
The launch of the 2022 Startup Innovation Awards, hosted by The World Food Forum and Extreme Tech Challenge, aims to engage and inspire young entrepreneurs to help transform food systems on the intersection of climate, agriculture and the environment. Register to join.
Where: Virtual
This event, as part of the UN Global Compact's Leaders Summit, will follow and reflect upon the opening of the Stockholm+50 conference and discuss the challenges European companies face on their journey to a low-carbon economy and showcase progress towards meaningful corporate climate action. Register to join.
Where: Stockholm, Sweden | In-person
This event, hosted by the Government of Canada and International IDEA, will feature a panel of youth leaders, as well as government and academic representatives which will focus on how youth leaders are strengthening our democracies and contributing to a healthy and sustainable planet for all. Register to join.
Where: Virtual
This event hosted by Albacombee and Equation Durable, aims to raise the attention of less informed public among business leaders and managers likely to embrace transformation. The event will also explore how to use the Sustainable Development Goals as a great tool and accelerator to transform a business. Register to join.
Where: Stockholm, Sweden | In-person
FaithInvest and LM International are hosting a workshop on how faith-actors can develop long-term environmental action plans. The workshop will feature Faith Plans, a multi-faith programme that mobilises faith communities and organisations, representing the world’s major faith traditions, to create long-term action plans. Register to join.
Where: Stockholm, Sweden | In-person and virtual
This workshop, hosted by the World Council of Churches and International Partnership on Religion and Sustainable Development, will encourage participating organisations to address pressing ecological concerns and take urgent action, including actions addressing economic justice issues that are intrinsically connected with eco-justice. Register to join.
Where: Stockholm, Sweden | In-person and virtual
The Interface Dialogue Finance and Biodiversity is an initiative of the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality of the Netherlands (LNV) in close collaboration with the governments of UK and France. It brings together 25 Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity and aims to foster learning and exchange on the issue of resource mobilisation between Parties negotiating the GBF and experts from the public and private financial sector. Email idfb-dialogue.org to join.
Where: Virtual | Online show
Reef Dwellers art show by artist Selva Ozelli celebrates the role of the oceans in our everyday life and inspires action to protect reefs which occupy only 0.1 per cent of the global sea surfaces. But more than 25 per cent of marine biodiversity is supported by them. You will be able to visit the show online.
Where: Stockholm, Sweden | In-person
This event, hosted by the Nordic Council of Ministers; Stockholm Environment Institute; Aarhus University; Finnish Environment Institute; and the Center for International Climate Research, will showcase Nordic municipalities’ current work towards climate neutrality and share lessons learned. Register to join.
Where: Stockholm, Sweden | Virtual
Have the Sustainable Development Goals become a transformative force in governance across local to global level? This is the key question of the SDG Impact Assessment, the first wide-ranging scientific assessment on the SDGs steering effects, involving 61 researchers. This launch event presents findings and hosts a science-policy dialogue on pathways forward. Register to join.
Where: Virtual
The event will be a platform of storytelling for women entrepreneurs and agents of change that are involved in United Nations Industrial Development Organization-European Union projects addressing environmental issues. Hear from them as they contribute to more resilient, inclusive and sustainable future societies. Register to join.
Where: Stockholm, Sweden | In-person and virtual
In 2015, the Sustainable Development Goals gave us a comprehensive plan for a sustainable world by 2030. The 17 goals cover a wide range of issues that involve people with different needs, values, and convictions. We lack the inner capacity to deal with our increasingly complex environment and challenges. In this seminar, hosted by Brahma Kumaris, you will learn more about how inner development can enable the change we need to see. Register to join.
Where: Stockholm, Sweden
This event, hosted by the World Benchmarking Alliance, will bring together diverse stakeholders and explore how to accelerate nature-positive corporate and collective action. The actions that different stakeholders need to take will also be examined. Register to join.
Where: Stockholm, Sweden | In-person
This is an art project by British artist Jeremy Deller, initiated by Moderna Museet. The God Grön (Good Green) art intervention offers an opportunity to share the experience of eating sustainably with others and at the same time reflect on how we can use the energy we gain in the best possible way.
Where: Virtual
This event will highlight the need to strengthen regional agreements to improve air quality and global cooperation to reduce air pollution. Register to join.
Where: Virtual
Environmental Policy and Law (EPL) and IOS Press are commemorating the publication of the Special “Stockholm +50 And Beyond,” Series, which explores cutting-edge, ideational solutions to our shared triple planetary crisis of climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution. Register to join.
Where: Virtual
The Global Schools Program is working to foster environmental literacy and inspire the climate champions of tomorrow. This event will showcase innovative practices for school-wide sustainable change in 89+ countries across 1,300+ schools, with 102,600+ student participants. The session will raise the voice of education stakeholders at Stockholm +50. Register to join.
Where: Virtual
This webinar, hosted by "Debt for Climate!", a grassroots Global South-driven movement, will unite social, labour & climate justice movements from the Global South & the Global North to turn debt into climate action.
Where: Virtual
Synthetic biology and global youth are the two major factors to shape the future and to secure a healthy planet for the prosperity of all. This event aims to share knowledge about the role of synbio for the protection of the planet for the next 50 years. If you have projects, ideas, works or thoughts about environment protection & securing a healthy planet, please join us! Register to join.
When: 3 June, 19 August & 9 September 2022
Where: Tampere, Helsinki, Pori; Finland | In Person
Through this interactive gaming created in collaboration with STUE, the Gamification Group and Tampere University, Finland, stakeholders involved in sustainable development and conservation will engage in playful dialogues to enhance their mutual understanding and facilitate future collaborations. Register to join.
Where: Stockholm, Sweden
The aim of this event, hosted by the Youth Competence Center, is to orientate new household occupants on household cleaning tools usage and maintenance, and tackling the mantra of public sanitation involvement reluctance especially among community people.
Where: Stockholm, Sweden | Virtual
The Global Systems Accounting Beyond Economic virtual panel discussion, from The International Environment Forum, proposes non-financial, global systems accounting that reflects a vision of a just society, in harmony with nature. Key to such global systems accounting is the use of science-based measures of progress towards environmental sustainability and human well-being. Register to join.
Where: Stockholm, Sweden | In-person and virtual
The Global Environment Facility is convening a philanthropies and global funds roundtable on innovative solutions to accelerate the transition towards a net-zero, nature-positive, and equitable future. Ultimately, the roundtable will explore possibilities for a joint Philanthropies and Global Funds initiative to support transitions to a healthy planet. Register to join.
Where: Stockholm, Sweden
Hosted by Framtidens röster (Future Voices) in partnership with middle school Rålambshovsskolan, this dinner will engage students (ages 13-19), UN delegates, politicians and decision-makers to drive change towards a more sustainable society. Please sign up by emailing [email protected], and we will provide additional information.
Where: Stockholm, Sweden | In-person
Earth Logic and sustainable fashion professors, Mathilda Tham and Kate Fletcher, will explore what might happen if we apply an entirely new outlook on the fashion sector, climate crisis and social injustice. Together we will discover new possibilities for fashion that truly handles our future with care. Register to join.
Where: Stockholm, Sweden | In-person and virtual
The Association of World Citizens, the Federation of World Peace and Love, and the Tai Ji Men Qigong Academy will engage environmental activists, policy makers, educators, and other attendees to discuss how to apply conscience education and exchange conscience-based solutions to foster responsible world citizens to accelerate ecosystem restoration.
Where: Stockholm, Sweden | In-person
The Yehiwot Berhan Church of Ethiopia Development Organization is hosting a workshop which will approach practical teachings from the Bible for environmental protection, and how to mobilise Christian communities for climate action.
Where: Stockholm, Sweden | In-person and virtual
FaithInvest is hosting this learning and sharing event on how faith-actors are leading the way on committing to and taking decisive environmental action, using their faith, values and beliefs as a catalyst for positive social and environmental change. Register to join.
Where: Stockholm, Sweden | Virtual
'Hosted by Sweco, the webinar addresses global challenges, such as climate change and resource scarcity, with the circular economy as a catalyst for transformative change in societies and economies around the world. The need for speed is urgent. To transform society fast enough we need to identify and address the barriers towards positive change.
Where: Stockholm, Sweden | Virtual
This panel discussion, arranged by the Nordic Council of Ministers, UNEP Copenhagen Climate Centre, and Concito, will explore the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic, and associated rescue and recovery packages, in implementing the Paris Agreement. Two Nordic publications, which assess the impact of COVID-19 and recovery packages, will also be discussed.
Where: Stockholm, Sweden
Hosted by the Fund Nature, Coalition for Rainforest Nations, Max Burgers, Climate View, and Data Alliance, the Positive Summit aims to offer business, finance and tech solutions to accelerate our transition for a climate, nature, and planet positive future. Register to join.
Where: Virtual
Through this event, the European Association for the Education of Adults, the International Council for Adult Education, SOLIDAR and the SOLIDAR Foundation, aim to contribute to the discussions at and around the UNEP's Stockholm+50 conference, and show why greening and sustainable development needs more adult learning and education. Register to join.
Where: Stockholm, Sweden | In-Person
The Swedish Athletics Association is hosting a panel discussion and roundtable dialogue on the theme of importance of sports and the environment at the Stockholm Olympic Stadium, prior to the Stockholm Marathon.
Where: Stockholm, Sweden | Virtual
This International Environment Forum panel will present case studies from around the world that demonstrate the importance of adapting science for everyone, reading local realities, and consulting to achieve resilience, regeneration, climate mitigation and adaptation within a broadly participative, learning culture. Register to join.
Where: Stockholm, Sweden | Virtual
The International Environment Forum and the Wilmette Institute presents a panel discussion in which a participant of the 1972 Stockholm Conference, together with five young people from around the globe, will share their hopes and visions for a sustainable world in harmony with nature. Register to join.
Where: Virtual
To honor World Environment Day, the Association of World Citizens, the Federation of World Peace and Love, and Tai Ji Men Qigong Academy will host a webinar where influential leaders will discuss how to apply conscience-based education and solutions to expedite change for a healthy planet. The event will also feature highlights of Stockholm+50 conference.
Where: Stockholm, Sweden | In-person
This event, hosted by the Brahma Kumaris Environment Initiative, will help participants nourish their mind, body and the planet with peaceful thoughts in meditation and yoga outdoors. Both beginners and experienced meditators and practitioners of yoga can participate. Register to join.
Where: Virtual
Mindfulness for Earth recognises the urgent need to tackle and prevent the triple climate crises through the methods of mindfulness, prayer & spirituality. This event is organised in partnership with UNEP’s ‘Faith for Earth’ Initiative and aims to bring together people of all faiths and the scientific community to create a direct impact on protecting Mother Earth. Register to join.
When: 5 - 11 June 2022
Where: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil | In-person and virtual
The Rio 2030 Environment Week, established by the Sustainable Development Authority and the State Government of Rio de Janeiro, aims to give visibility to the outcomes of the Stockholm+50 conference, bring together different initiatives and to engage the population in the Rio 2030 Strategy. Register to join.
Where: Boyacá, Colombia
"An environmental agenda for Colombia," hosted by Voces 2030 Colombia, is an intergenerational conversation space to share essential proposals and actions in environmental matters that, in a transversal way, contribute significantly to the construction of environmental sustainability for Colombia. Register to join.
Where: Stockholm, Sweden | In-person
The Lodyn Ecopsychology Association and the Green Hope Foundation are hosting a ceremony in memorial of extinct species and biodiversity loss, with procession, sacred activism, speeches and poems. The event aims to remember and honour all plants, animals and habitats that perished due to human activity, and to show solidarity with the more-than-human species that remain.
Where: Virtual
Green Women, a member of the Swedish Womens lobby and the NGO organisation 1325, are delegates on Stockholm +50 and we will sum up how the outcome of the meeting will have on the impact on Womens equality. They are hosting this event to encourage women to take leadership over climate change. Register to join.
Where: London, UK | Virtual
What are eco-social contracts and how are they already re-shaping relationships and how we are governed for the better? The Green Economy Coalition and UNRISD explore these questions, together with those at the forefront of re-imagining how we use our institutions to achieve more just outcomes for communities and the environment.
Where: Nairobi, Kenya and Indonesia | In-person and virtual
This event, hosted by the Stockholm Environment Institute and the International Land Coalition, focuses on the increasingly challenging and worrying trend of threats, harassment, and murder of environmental defenders in the Global South (Latin America, Asia and Africa). Urgent action is needed by the global community to remedy this challenge. Register to join.
When: 14 June - 25 September 2022
Where: Stockholm, Sweden | In-person
Discover two exhibitions in the courtyard of the Swedish Museum of Natural History: SURR – a photo exhibition where you meet some of the pollinating insects of Sweden in close-up portraits. Grow the City – an urban garden for biodiversity where you can get inspiration on forest gardening, pollinator friendly plants and habitats.
Where: Pune, India
Shashwat Gatha, hosted by the Orange County Foundation, aims to promote the sustainable development goals and the pathways to implement them in the city of Gathagram, Dehu - a carbon-neutral township in Pune, India.
Where: Virtual
The Biosphere Group, along with the Earth Law Group delve into reflections based on the ancient Latin American principle of guardianship of the Earth´ to safeguard the entire planetary web of life. Register to join.
Where: New York, USA & Nairobi, Kenya | Virtual
This event is cohosted by UNEP and UNWOMEN in collaboration with the University of Iceland and explores pathways towards new research and data, experiences and insights on the gender-environment nexus. Register to join.
Where: Stockholm, Sweden | Virtual
On June 28, Normative.io and the European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform will hold the second event of the EU Circular Talks, in conjunction with Stockholm+50 to discuss how switching to the circular economy can tackle carbon emissions and what role of EU circular economy policies play in reaching Net Zero. Register to join.
Where: Brussels, Belgium | In-person and virtual
The European Centre for Development Policy Management seeks to build on outcomes of the Leadership Dialogue 3 on governance and institutional reforms, in a context where land, forestry and water resources are under strong pressures due to demographic and economic growth as well as policy failures. Register to join.