Thursday 2 June
09:30-10:45 CEST
Stockholmsmässan, Room 1
Organizers: The Republic of Kenya and the Kingdom of Sweden
Green Financing
The roots of green financing can be traced back to the 1970s, and with the launch of the sustainable development goal in 2015, which highlighted the importance of sustainability. Green financing has become a large and fast-growing segment on how to better manage environmental risks. This has then called on funding green economy which involves climate financing, enhancing green economy, enhancing sustainable food systems, green energy transition, green shipping and managing further biodiversity loss amongst others. Increased level of financial flows will help to better manage environmental risks which then results in improved human well-being and social equity.
Blue Financing
Being the largest ecosystem on earth, the ocean, is the main source of food for most of the world’s population besides playing host to a large percentage of the planet’s biodiversity. As countries restructure their governments to include oceans management plans in their policy frameworks and strategies, focus has been placed in oceans financing to attain this realization.
Moderator(s): Hamisi Williams (FAO)
- Nancy Karigithu (State Department for Shipping and Maritime Affairs Kenya)
- Steven Stone (UNEP)
- Chris Kiptoo (Ministry of Environment and Forestry Kenya)
- Valery Hickey (Incoming Director for Global Environment at the World Bank)
- Stientje van Veldhoven (World Resources Institute)
- Helen Ȧgren (Ministry of Foreign Affairs Sweden)
Contact person: Lynnette Lokuruka (
Event outcomes (Key transformative actions):
- Governments, businesses and financiers must redouble their efforts towards Green and Blue financing immediately to address the investment gap, putting the topic higher on the political agenda and systematically addressing it in corporate boardrooms and financial markets.
- It is important that all actors take urgent action towards defining what Green and Blue financing is in order to help mobilization of bankable projects for financing
- There is need to urgently address barriers that inhibit the flow of funds, and fast-track the development of investments towards Green and Blue financing for the attainment of Sustainable Development Goals. This will include inter alia capacity building communities at the grassroots levels and availing information to financial institutions which aims to provide a complete picture of environmental risks.